Author: Harold


E mail hrpharold (at) gmail (dot) com Phone 301.565.2494

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Michel Thomas Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary Course

The Michel Thomas Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary course has been recorded, edited and is scheduled for release in the UK in August, 2009. It will not be sold in the North America. Those outside of the UK may order it via, download it from or get it directly from…

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Wonderful news

Today I received news that I have been accepted as a student in the International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University in Taipei. This is one of the most prestigious and rigorous such programs in the world. It is a tremendous honor for me to to be in this…

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This actually happened.

Last night I watched John on the telephone attempting to place anorder. He got some automated program where you speak to a computer andit processes your order. He read out the order number, the address,etc. etc. At some point he became exasperated because the computervoice kept saying, ‘ We are…

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Or contact us at hrpharold [at]gmail{dot) com

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How would your life be different if you spoke Chinese – effortlessly?

Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated with foreign languages. At age 13 my parents told me I could have anything I wanted as a bar mitzvah present. Without any hesitation I requested a short wave radio. I bought it at Lafayette Electronics in Newark, NJ. It…

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How I treat asthma

One of the conditions which I love to treat is asthma. Why? Because traditional medicine considers this a chronic, life long problem which can never be cured. It can only be held in bay with medicines. These medicines, essentially different varieties of steroids, are administered via nebulizers and many other…

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Why people fish

I met an wonderful rabbi many years ago in NJ. He was a scholar, a genius, a teacher ( no congregation), dirt poor and the sweetest person ever. When I told him that I wanted to chat with him he suggested that we go fishing together. I told him that…

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Dream Running

Today a friend told me about a wonderful experience. She runs in her dreams. It reminded me of what H.H.Lui, a teacher of Taiqichuan in Chicago, told me in the early 1970’s. Mr. Lui told me that he received one of the first business ( or economic?) graduate degrees from…

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