Today I received news that I have been accepted as a student in the International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University in Taipei. This is one of the most prestigious and rigorous such programs in the world. It is a tremendous honor for me to to be in this program.
I am especially excited that this will provide me with even more training to help the many students who are learning Chinese via the Michel Thomas Mandarin Chinese language course published by Hodder ( UK ) and McGraw-Hill ( North America).
My hope is that I will learn even more to amplify and improve my teaching of Chinese.
Stay tuned for more details.
Hey Doc, I enjoyed your style of teaching. It is similar to mine that I used to teach my mom. Slowly. I read your blog in Amazon too. I agree most out there are just to make a buck. It’s impossible even for a native speaker to understand them. There is a lot of hype about ChinesePod but all I saw was a hyped up product that has more sound effects and a daytime soap scripted dialogue then real time learning. The speakers speak as authentic as they can and expect other people to pick it up. They tend to forget who their audience is, I am no longer a 5 year old who can absorb languages quickly and readily. You should teach based on your audience’s capabilities and not on your own capabilities. Anyway, I was very happy to have found your teachings.
I don’t know what Michel Thomas’ method was, but as long as it is slow and interactive, while keeping in mind the audience, it will always win.
Are there any Michel Thomas series on teaching English to the Chinese speaker??????