Category: Orthodox Judaism

Torah, Judaism and Homosexuality. Let the Truth be known.

Today I wrote a review on a book, Judaism and homosexuality: an authentic orthodox approach. My review, which I had thought quite a lot about before posting ( I have thought about this matter for the last 48+ years of my life) was accepted on However, Amazon. uk rejected…

Continue Reading Torah, Judaism and Homosexuality. Let the Truth be known.

My journey as a Jew. A comment, a mish mash, a start.

One of our readers, Julian, has asked ( comment, 19 July, 2012; about the different attitudes of secular and orthodox Jews. He specifically wonders, “Are these tensions similar (not identical) with the feelings of the Maccabees and the Hellenised Jews back in antiquity? “ This is a good and…

Continue Reading My journey as a Jew. A comment, a mish mash, a start.